About Mickayla

Hi everyone, my name is Mickayla Keith, and I am 23 years old. I am currently in college and I am studying Sports Communication. I have loved books since I was a kid. I finished my first chapter book when I was only in preschool. The book was called. Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs. Since then, I have read hundreds of books over the years. My favorite genre is young adult books. Some of my all-time favorite books have been the Divergent Series, The Hunger Games series, Slaughterhouse-Five, and Looking for Alaska.

On top of reading, I have a lot of other hobbies as well. I love to play sports like softball, golf, and bowling. I love watching baseball and football. I am also a big video game fan and I love to stream on Twitch. I love doing art and crafting when I can get the chance. I am a cat mom of one cat named Lucky Lucy. I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Criminal Minds, Survivor, and concerts. I am an avid social media user, especially TikTok.

Here are 3 random fun facts about me:

  1. I am afraid of high ceilings and skyscrapers.
  2. I would love to play on Survivor or Big Brother at some point in my life.
  3. I want a library in my house when I grow older.

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